Tibetan massage balances your body and mind

Tibetan medicine is characterized by promoting an integral health, that is, seeks the balance between body, mind and soul. For this reason, different therapeutic systems have emerged that help to alleviate pain muscle, strengthen the immune system and stay calm.

One of the treatments that takes advantage of the benefits of this millenary technique is the massage Tibetan, which in addition to eliminating stress and soothe muscle pain, improve your lymphatic system, tone your body and rejuvenate your skin .

East massage is used as a supportive therapy in the treatment of diseases and end problems generated by inadequate nutrition, uncontrolled emotions or any injury caused by physical activity.

According to Aqua Spa Center , Tibetan massage starts from three vital energy paths in the body or channels, which are divided are reflected in the chakras or bodily energy nuclei.

In the Tibetan massage, patting, rubbing and with acupressure are used to release tensions or relieve muscle pain, whether in the head, feet or whole body. In addition, it can be mixed with other treatments such as aromatherapy and essential oils to increase their benefits.

So if you have a pain muscular or just want to relax deeply and get many benefits for your physical and mental health, do not hesitate to submit to this millennial massage. And you, are you ready to pamper you during the weekend?

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Video Medicine: Tibetan Medicine warm oil massage - Contemplation By Design Summit 2017, Stanford University (April 2024).