This they feel when they finish a relationship

Men and women react differently after suffering a love break.

The great difference between a man and a woman when they end a relationship is the time in which it is overcome and the way of reacting, that is to say; When a woman is left by a man her sadness is reflected at the moment, many times the tears are irrepressible and the depression comes instantly.

Instead what men feel when they end up with a relationship of a couple is liberation. It's when they go out with friends, have fun, take refuge in the party and somehow cover the emotions.

You can also see: What not to do after a break

Time later the roles are reversed, the woman overcomes the rupture by having lived the duel and overcome it. While the man takes to assimilate the rupture and when he does it is when he gets depressed.

According to an investigation carried out by the Binghamton University of New York . Women suffer more at the time of a love break but they outgrow it more quickly than men.

By nature, women become more sentimentally involved in a relationship

Video Medicine: What you MUST do to LEAVE an Emotionally Abusive Relationship | Stephanie Lyn Coaching (April 2024).