This is the reason why you are left-handed

Previously being left-handed was related to superstitions and beliefs of all kinds. Today the left foot is understood as a manifestation of the asymmetry of our brain.

Yolanda del Río Portilla, from the School of Psychology of the UNAM, who conducts research on symmetry and cerebral laterality, explains that this field addresses the mechanisms involved in people using their left or right hands more.

The left cerebral hemisphere is the dominant one for the control of the right hand while the right hemisphere is related to the language.

With the function of distinguishing by sight the position of the objects and with the left manual preference in activities such as writing, cutting or throwing something.

The researcher has explored whether there are differences between the skills of left-handed and right-handed people. What he observed are variations in writing.

"The strokes of the right-handers, in the case of the number zero and the letter" or "go from top to the right, against the clock and with an inclination to the left. In contrast, left-handed people write in favor of the clock and the inclination is to the right, "he says.

About 90% of the population uses the right hand for most of their activities, which shows the predominance of right laterality. Therefore left-handed people have had to develop a great capacity for adaptation in a world of right-handers.

A recommendation to parents and teachers is to be attentive to children's manual preference and not force them to use their right hand if they notice left dominance. This will give them the necessary facilities for the development of their capacities from an early age.

Video Medicine: Why are some people left-handed? - Daniel M. Abrams (April 2024).