Things to which women are addicted (And we love them!)

There are thousands of "harmless" things to which we can become addicted and, in the case of women, many are incomprehensible to men (but we love them!). Find out about things that women are addicted to and find out if you are also addicted to them.

The caffeine. We share this addiction with our male counterpart. While there are people who can be productive all day without a single cup of coffee (what envy, are they really human?), Most of us, oh mere mortals, need a little push. Also, with or without milk, cold or hot, it's delicious!

The purchases The famous shopping It is not always as harmless as it seems, as it can cause serious problems in our finances and lawsuits with our partner. No matter how fun the retail therapy, a true shopping addict usually hiding their expenses from the couple, which leads to a distancing and, in extreme cases, to divorce. Watch out.

The selfies We have all taken pictures of ourselves (they are the best pictures for our profiles on social networks!), But there are studies that show that people who fill their time taking pictures are, at best, social exhibitionists and, in the worst of them, narcissists addicted to receive Attention .

The drama. Not all drama queens They are women, but the name makes us think of malicious teenagers who invent gossip and spread negativity. The truth is that our existence would be a bit boring without a bit of drama, but waters with turning life into a telenovela. You have to live intensely, but in a positive way.

Our physical appearance Fashion, beauty salon, makeup and even plastic surgery. Here we do sin more women than men (And especially Latinas!), But as long as we do not end up as restirdas as some actresses, do not complain. They like us to look good, do not they?

Between the thousands of things that women are addicted to , there are small and harmless vices that can bring a benefit instantly (A new lipstick that makes you look less pale when the flu is starting may be better than any medicine!). The important thing, as in everything, is not to fall into excesses.

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Video Medicine: How To Get A Woman Addicted To You | #1 Thing For You Men! (April 2024).