Things of your childhood that you should never forget

Do you remember those special objects with which you played and accompanied you during your childhood ? Today they can be your time machine and make you go back a few years to those happy times of your lifetime .

Studies conducted from different epistemological perspectives (Piaget, Vygotski, Elkonin, and Freud ), consider that the game it is a key piece in the integral development of children, since it keeps connections with human development in other planes such as creativity, problem solving, learning social roles.

1. A diary

All of us at some point in our lives have had a diary in which we expressed our feelings, experiences, sorrows and joys. Today, a few years later, rereading it will make you smile as you remember those experiences that made you the woman you are now.

2. Photos

The appearance of smartphones and digital cameras were leaving aside the printed photos and, with them, their special meaning. At the time, these images allowed us to immortalize unforgettable experiences and some of us are lucky enough to have them until today. Try to have them in a place that is within your sight.

3. Your favorite stuffed animal

It may be that it is already broken, unpainted or without any part of your body, but what makes it really special is the feeling it generates when we have it back in our arms. He was your companion in adventures and it became part of your life so do not let it go.

4. College letters

Rereading the letters you received at school is a treasure. By having them with you, you can realize how much you have matured in time and how your priorities have changed in life, but that does not mean that you lost your essence. If you still have them, plan a fun meeting with your friends and remember that special bond that unites them today.

5. Your favorite story

When we were children we had a story that we loved, a story that we never tired of listening to every day even though we knew it by heart. A tender reason to keep it is to have the opportunity to read it to your children years later and see them enjoy it as much as you did at the time.

6. Your favorite song

Maybe among your things you still keep that disc or cassette with your favorite song or simply, today when you remember it, it will surely put you in a good mood.

7. Some garment

Having had a blanket, a blanket or some clothes that fascinated you can make you relive various emotions that you might have forgotten.

Whatever treasure you keep from your childhood, the important thing is the well-being that can provide you in your adult stage.