They do not talk to you!

One of the tests or experience, that every human being faces in the professional field is to the loss of work, that is to say, to the dismissal. However, other situations that may cause anguish or depression; example, not finding a new job.


In an interview for GetQoralHealth, the graduate in psychology and specialist in Thanatology, Rocío Teran , points out that a loss is psychologically traumatic, so it will always be painful; usually manifested through feelings of sadness, loneliness, anguish , courage, uncertainty, etc.


They do not talk to you!

Finding a new job can take 15 days to months, but how do you face the anguish of this wait? The expert Teran gives you 5 tips to achieve it:

1. The most important . Do not let you fall

2. Be careful, eye! Do not let these negative feelings that you experience, are reflected in inappropriate behaviors with your family.

3. Think. Be aware that you are going through a grieving process, in which you require time to recover the emotional balance.

4. If this period of mourning continues. It is essential to go with a specialist, in this case, Thanatologist, as it can help you face the loss, and get the tools to better face the search for another job, both for you and for you. partner and family.

5. On the move! There are different techniques of relaxation They can help to take this process with calm and positive attitude, such as breathing exercises and meditation.

However, this experience requires patience and concentration so that on the way you do not lose your self-esteem. The psychologist Rocío Teran, indicates that it is convenient to organize the time that has been destined for the job search, to have free time for various activities of recreation and recreation, helping to strengthen the mood of the family and especially of the person that has run out of work

Have a clear picture of the type of work you are looking for and the income required, in such a way that you are open to any opportunity that may arise.

Remember that your health is in your hands. Beware!