They are not afraid to end

Strong women They are not waiting to find love, nor someone to rescue them. Of course they like to have the love of a man but do not need their company to feel fulfilled.

They are satisfied with the life they have, their achievements and friendships, "he says.Claudia Gutiérrez Flores , psychologist and professor of the UNAM.

If you take time without a partner and you do not feel bad about it, on the contrary, you are happy with yourself and open to meet more people, the most likely thing is that you are a strong girl.

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Discover the reasons why Strong women take a couple .


They are not afraid to end

If they do not feel satisfied or do not receive the treatment they expect, they do not hesitate to finish a relationship .


Without fear to say what they think

They express without fear what they did in the past, their present and future plans. In them there is no room for fear or insecurities.


They are not second options

Strong women take a couple because they do not accept a man who is not sincere, who doubts or makes them feel like a second option. Are secure of themselves.


If you like your rules well, if not ... bye

They have clear conditions and what they are willing to accept and what is not.


They are very smart

They do not resort to blackmail or crying On the contrary, they question men directly.


They know how to get ahead

If they see that the relationship has no future, they know how to retire with all the dignity of the world. They are not those who pray or beg for attention. They know they will be fine and they will find someone better that really makes them happy.


The Strong women take a couple by decision, by choice. When they find the ideal man for them, they do not doubt that he is the one and fight for him.


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