The female hormones important in puberty

All hormones necessary for the proper changes of development are present from birth, but only in pre-adolescence and adolescence is when they develop. The part responsible for initiating the development is in the brain and is called hypothalamus .

The female hormones begin with the physical changes in a significant way highlighting aspects such as: - Growth of the bust to resemble that of the adult woman. - Appearance of hair in the armpits and pubic area. - Higher height. - Appearance of menarche and beginning of menstrual periods.

As of puberty, female hormones play an important role in the menstrual cycle, together they synchronize the female reproductive cycle.

The stage of puberty usually takes 4 years and is characterized by certain emotional stability.

(Source: IMSS)

Video Medicine: Puberty: The Hormones Involved | Biology for All | FuseSchool (April 2024).