The best remedy to relieve headache

Undoubtedly, one of the discomforts that most limit us in our activities is the headache. If you are one of those who regularly presents this type of discomfort, we tell you the best remedy to relieve the headache.

The headache gives stress, the excess of this causes pain, which you can not identify. Also the excessive consumption of alcohol or the lack of vitamins can be something that lead you to have a headache.

TO gua, lemon and salt . You have it in your house, they are basic in the pantry and it is the solution to your problems, and the best thing is that they are going to remove that headache that you can not stand. Try that the salt must be sea or pink salt. In a cup of water, add the juice of one lemon and two teaspoons of salt.

In addition to this, it takes a lot of water, so that the functions of your body fulfill well, besides hydrating it.

Video Medicine: Headache Treatments : Ocular Migraine Treatment (April 2024).