Teach him and make him grow healthy!

Become a mom It is one of the most beautiful life experiences that can exist and therefore you must enjoy every stage of your growth son , from birth until it becomes an adult. One of these phases is to teach you how to take your first steps, but first you must take advantage of all the benefits of crawl .


According to the doctor Karen Adolph, professor of psychology at the University of New York , points out that gateo directly influences the development of baby , so it is important that you experience it before you walk.

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Teach him and make him grow healthy!

The specialist believes that crawling stimulates growth and strengthens the skills of your child, so it is not necessary to move too fast and put it immediately in the walker.

1. Elevates the mother-child connection . When the baby learns to "walk" with knees and hands all over your house, the first thing he looks for is you. Check facial expressions when he sees you, and take advantage of that communication with him to give him security and independence, while continuing to guide him.

2. Discover your world . The crawling is the new way to explore your world, finally learns the concept of far and near, because by himself can approach the things that draw attention.

3. It is more secure in its decision making . By going by himself somewhere in the house or room, he will learn to choose what to take or where to go, as well as identify the risks of moving on in something that may seem dangerous.

4. Learn to set goals . Crawling helps you focus on something, get closer and try to get it. This is setting a goal, so the baby learns to develop this process.

5. They intensify their emotions . His emotion and the desire to discover everything that is around him is increased by 100%, because now he has the means to get what he wants, from a simple joy, as well as the frustration of not taking certain objects.

In addition, the crawl Strengthens the muscles of the trunk, hands and legs, as well as stimulates different areas of the brain that will help in future learning, such as controlling comprehension, concentration and memory.

It even stimulates binocular vision, that is, observing in the distance and returning the vision to the hands.

For these reasons, try to delay a little the use of the walker, since according to Sergio Froylán Santiago, traumatologist of the IMSS in Jalisco, this article can be counterproductive if used ahead of time, as it can delay psychomotor development. And you, how do you stimulate the crawling in your son?

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