Tanatofobia and necrofobia

The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that 4% of the male population she suffers from some phobia, while in women this figure reaches 6%. It is clear that, in a ratio of two to one, women are more susceptible to suffer more phobias than men and the reason that the specialists wield is that we still live in a society where the woman, since she is a girl, is infuse more fears and they are subject to greater aggressions within the family. Almost as a rule, phobias originate in childhood.

A study by the Research Institute of Clinical and Social Psychology of Mexico (IIPCS) indicates that almost 80% of Mexicans have some kind of phobia . Although the most common are related to reptiles, insects and rodents, as well as to situations associated with altitude or closed places, in Mexico, the researchers say, the rates of people who are terrified of everything related to it have risen. with death, public insecurity and diseases.

Phobias to death Experts define thanatophobia as excessive fear of one's own death, while people who suffer from necrophobia fear, in addition to their own death, everything that is related to it such as coffins, cemeteries or corpses, for example. Is completely natural to be afraid since we are facing something that is totally unknown. But in cases when it becomes a phobia, the daily life of those who suffer from it begins to be affected because they do not want to leave their home, go to funerals or funerals , talk about death and, in several cases, it becomes hypochondriac. Sometimes, the panic attacks that are triggered must be controlled with drugs recommended by the doctor.

Treatment of phobias The time to go to a treatment psychological it occurs simply when this excessive fear threatens the quality of life of the person who suffers it, because it is paralyzed to some degree and does not allow him to perform his personal, work or affective activities in a normal way. The treatment A phobia can be done through psychological techniques, depending on the clinical history of each subject. The specialists of the IIPCS clarify that a phobia can encapsulate multiple psychological problems so it is necessary, in the first instance, to determine the origin of it. One technique, the psychoanalytic , crumbles childhood in order to find the traumatic events that led to this irrational fear, and in the second instance, focuses on facing the object that produces the phobia gradually, so that the subject in question transcends his fear. In this regard, the IIPCS has available a psychological services clinic for all people regardless of their socio-economic level.

Video Medicine: NecroFobia Miedo a la Muerte Ansiedad (April 2024).