Take care of the water in your body with a healthy hydration

The Water is the essence of lifetime . It was the only drink consumed by human beings in its early stages, until about 11 thousand years ago, when discoveries of other drinks for consumption began.

Water is one of the components plus important of the body . It regulates body temperature, cushions and protects vital organs, and helps the digestive system. Water is not only made up of 75% of all muscle tissue and 10% of fatty tissues, it also acts within each cell to transport nutrients and eliminate what the body no longer requires. And, because water makes up more than half of the human body It is impossible to survive more than a week without it.


Water loss

To perform the necessary functions of all internal organs, we must consume water to replace the amounts that are lost day by day in basic activities. further it's the healthiest drink and the preferred one to meet the daily needs of liquids.

It is recommended that the daily consumption of water in children during the first 6 months of life is 100-190 ml./kg./day. For babies 6-12 months of age, a total water intake of 800-1000 ml / day is considered adequate. For the second year of life, an adequate intake of total water is 1100-1200 ml / day and 1,300 ml / day for boys and girls of 2-3 years of age, 1,600 ml / day for children. boys and girls 4-8 years of age, 2,100 ml / day for children 9-13 years of age; 1,900 ml / day for girls 9-13 years of age. The water consumption in people over 14 recommended in women is 2.0 liters a day and 2.5 for men. For the pregnant women they should consume 300 ml. more than water and to lactating women an additional consumption of 700 ml / day over recommendation for women.

As for physical activity, in one hour of exercise the body can to lose more than 1 liter of Water , depending on the intensity of the exercise and the air temperature. If there is not enough water for the body to cool through sweat, the body enters a state of dehydration .


Dehydration it can happen In almost all scenarios of physical activity . It does not have to be just for a hot climate. A person can become dehydrated in water, in a pool or lake, or on a winter day.

The result of dehydration occurs when a person can not adequately replace the fluid lost by sweating.If dehydration exceeds 2% of body weight loss, it will impair athletic performance, so it is recommended that before starting the exercise the athletes are well hydrated, minimize dehydration during exercise, and replace liquid losses after the exercise

Within the conditions that increase fluid loss we find:

  • Air temperature : The higher the temperature, the greater the loss of water by sweating
  • Intensity : The easier it is to become dehydrated, the more you sweat
  • Body size and gender : older people sweat more. Men generally sweat more than women
  • Duration : The greater the exercise, the loss of fluids is greater
  • Fitness center : Well-trained athletes sweat more than people who exercise less, the reason is that athletes cool their bodies through sweat more efficiently than most people because their bodies are used to the extra effort. Therefore, fluid needs are greater for highly trained athletes than less active individuals

The first signs dehydration include:

  • Thirst
  • Redness of the skin
  • Premature fatigue
  • Increase in body temperature
  • Greater speed in breathing and heartbeat
  • Decreased exercise capacity

Later, the signs are:

  • Dizziness
  • Increase in weakness
  • Difficulty breathing during exercise

Balance and replacement of liquids

It is important drinking water even before signs of thirst appear. We should never wait for the thirst to appear to start the consumption of liquids since it appears when we have already lost between 1-2% of body weight. It is important drink more water during the day and not just to quench your thirst. One way to check the level of hydration is through urine, this should be abundant and pale yellow unless you are taking medications or supplements, which can change the color of urine for several hours after consumption.

During the exercise , water is the best that can be consumed , despite the fact that sports drinks help replace electrolytes lost during high intensity exercise (when performed more than 45 and 60 minutes). People who sweat heavily during exercise should choose sports drinks and make sure they consume enough sodium to prevent hyponatremia (water intoxication).

For prevent dehydration , you have to drink:

  • Between 500 and 750 ml. of water 2 or 3 hours before the start of the exercise
  • A glass of water 20 to 30 minutes before exercise or during warming
  • One or two glasses of fluid every 10 to 20 minutes during exercise
  • An additional glass 30 minutes after exercise

In addition to this the train in the morning or in the afternoon and, preferably in the shadow , wear white clothes and use Cap to minimize the sun in the head, when exercising and being alert to the first signs or symptoms of heat illness help protect the body and maintain an adequate level of hydration .

Mtra Saby Camacho MCS, NC, LN. National Director of Nutrition UVM

Video Medicine: How Much Water Should I Drink? Stay Hydrated Drink Water | Check Dehydration Is It Bad For Health (April 2024).