Take care of the amount of energy

The immune system is in charge of protecting us from bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms that cause disease. Nutrition is an essential part to keep healthy and strengthen the immune system.

Therefore, we present some tips to take care of and strengthen it through food:

Take care of the amount of energy

The first thing to check in the diet to have good health is the amount of energy that is ingested. It is known that people who suffer from malnutrition have a higher risk of getting infections; even with diets lower than 1200 kcal per day it has been observed that the immune function is compromised.

On the other hand, obesity , the product of an excessive consumption of energy, is also related to an increase in the risk of infections and diseases such as diabetes and coronary disease.


Check the consumption of fats

It has been observed that diets high in fat tend to depress the immune system and increase the risk of infections. It is essential to include healthy fats such as those found in foods such as fish, nuts and vegetable oils, as these have been shown to regulate the immune system, decreasing inflammatory reactions.


Consume probiotics

The consumption of fermented dairy products, such as yogurt or jocoque, have shown a positive contribution to the immune system. Many of these products contain beneficial bacteria called "Probiotics ", Which protect us from gastrointestinal infections.


Consumption of antioxidants and vitamins

Antioxidants such as vitamin E and selenium, as well as other vitamins and micronutrients such as vitamin A, C, D and zinc, regulate the function of several types of cells of the immune system.

The most recent studies have proven that various nutrients have the ability to regulate the signals and genes that modulate the immune system. In the case of vitamin C, its consumption can decrease the severity of the symptoms of flu common. It has also been seen that the consumption of zinc and selenium can retard the development of AIDS in patients infected with HIV .

Finally, we must remember that a correct diet, which includes all food groups, with an adequate amount of calories and hygiene, is essential to care for and strengthen the immune system.

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