Take a break

Do you check your mobile as soon as you open your eyes in the morning? Are you still on your laptop after work? Then you may be an excellent candidate for a digital detoxification ", it states Frank Lipman , author of "Revive: Stop feeling spent and start living again" .

According to the expert, even if you have not reached the point where you feel anxiety when the battery of your cell phone or tablet is running out, and you do not feel discomforts like headache , visual fatigue or neck or hand problems, you can take a break of technology.

On the other hand, Frances Booth , expert in digital detoxification of the Organization of the United Nations (UN) , indicates that if you can not remember when was the last time you turned off your phone for several hours mobile , then it can be a good time to disconnect.


When you do a digital detox you have the opportunity to step back temporarily. And when you come back, recharged, you're more productive and you have a different perspective, "explains Booth.


Take a break

A digital detoxification means disconnecting from all your mobile devices: cell phone, tablet, laptop and computer, at least 24 hours . And while anyone can do it with just pressing the off button, this can be surprisingly difficult, explains Frances Booth.

Therefore, if you already made the decision to do so, we share some things that will help you detoxify based on information from Booth, who is also the author of


1. Plan the detoxification

Choose a moment to start your detoxification digital where you can disconnect for 24 hours or more. Weekends or holidays are ideal, you can even tell us that you are in a #digitaldetox in social networks so they do not "bother" you.


2. Think about your reasons

Always remember why you are doing this, especially to overcome those moments when you feel tempted to take the phone and turn it on. Part of the planning You can also give your devices to someone and have them returned to you until you have finished the process.


3. Enjoy the time

During a digital detoxification You may feel that you have too much time, do not rush or be overwhelmed by it. Better choose to sleep properly, think clearly about the earrings you have, and especially enjoy your spaces and activities .


4. Start slow

Going back to the digital world can be overwhelming at the beginning: too many notifications, requests or events. Here you must use the perspective that you gained in your detoxification , redefines what is urgent, important and useless to answer or discard.

If you take into account that the use of technology, especially cell phones, affects your column causing it to deform, according to a study of New York Spine Surgery & Rehabilitation Medicine ; Take 24 hours to make a digital detoxification It is not a bad idea.