Tai-Chi and Yoga take care of your health

The daily practice of yoga Y Tai Chi generates many benefits to your health, since it reduces the stress , greater force Y flexibility , leaves a feeling of calm and peace, improves the immune system and controls the blood pressure . You only need 20 minutes in the morning to perform these disciplines, which have been developed and perfected over several centuries.

In accordance with Mayo Clinic Health Letter , an important advantage of yoga Y Tai Chi is the combination of key elements of the exercise As the muscle strengthening , flexibility Y Balance .

In just one day, some benefits can be registered, such as: stress ; people manage to reconcile a restful sleep , and his digestive system improvement, reducing the constipation . In addition, practicing yoga regularly or tai-chi, or both, could serve to reverse some effects of the aging .

After 10 to 12 weeks of regular sessions, a reduction in the condition of migraines Y Headaches , lower the anxiety Y depression of individuals and improves the Bone density and the Cardiovascular system .


Include meditation in your life

Remember that meditation eliminates emotions negative, relaxes the body and harmonizes the nervous system . In this video, the doctorDharmacharini Abhagita , from the Mexico Buddhist Center, offers some tips to practice it.

To learn properly the yoga or Tai Chi It is recommended to take a class with a qualified instructor. In addition, the art of breathing , meditation and postures are taught in many gyms. Go ahead and practice these two disciplines!

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