Symptoms and difficulties of post-abortion syndrome

Three years after losing her first baby, the singer Lily Allen , he goes through the same pain again with his current partner, the decorator Sam Cooper, after losing his second child after 6 months of gestation.

At the end of last year Lily talked about her feelings after his first abortion , admitting that she had gone through "the worst moment" in her life, since in addition to losing her baby she had to suppress many of her emotions. "I'm still sad, I'm still thinking about it, I'm not focusing on what my baby's birth would have been, but it's always there and it changed a lot."

But, speaking of emotional health, regardless of the show, what happens with the feelings of mother and father ?, What happens in the couple in similar situations?

The electronic magazine Psychology explains the post-abortion syndrome (SPA) as the syndrome resulting from abortion, which affects both the mother and the father.

Abortion destroys the natural bond between parents and children, leaving both with a sense of emptiness, which hinders the couple's relationship .

The creators of the article, Christian Enrique Schnake Ferrer (psychologist) and Verónica Bennett (from the University of Santiago, Chile), explain that this syndrome can be suffered by anyone, both men and women, children and the elderly who have lost a baby due to a abortion, or have been found close to this situation.

Symptoms of post-abortion syndrome

According to the experts, the duel for SPA includes psychological and somatic manifestations, such as:

Somatic manifestations : anorexia and weight loss, bulimia, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and feeling of emptiness, palpitations, feeling of chest pressure, headaches, tics (Brisaud's disease) and loss of strength.

Psychological manifestations: guilt and sadness, anger and hostility, despair and pessimism, day and night daydreams, nightmares and nostalgia, decreased sexual desire, crying, insomnia and hypersomnia, loss of concentration and motivation; and promiscuity (according to Dr. Pablo Verdier, this symptom occurs mostly in women under 29 years of age).

Difficulties to face the SPA

During the article, 2 problems are mentioned that make the process of facing abortion difficult.


  1. In spontaneous abortions, the uncertainty about the decision to see the dead baby or not . Avoiding this situation before the fear of observing malformations, trying to preserve the image of his imaginary son.
  2. The second problem that arises is whether it should be talk about the son or not . When you avoid talking about the child, you will find implicit in this silence a series of messages that will make it difficult to grieve. If death does not deserve to be discussed and the child is not mentioned, perhaps it is because it does not matter. Avoiding the topic, disguising it, implies that the work of mourning is dangerous.

Mistakes in trying to comfort the duel

When trying to mitigate the pain of the couple who has experienced the abortion, with advice or words of comfort can be used words that erroneously deny the feelings of parents as:


  • You are young, you can have other children.
  • Embarazate immediately.
  • Instead of thinking about this, think of your healthy children.
  • It is better to lose it now than it is bigger / It is better to lose it now than bigger.
  • It is the will of God.
  • Luckily he was born dead, so you did not get attached to him.

Find the full document here

Video Medicine: Women Confess Post-Abortion Trauma in Web Series - (April 2024).