Stable relationships vs depression

According to a study conducted by the University of Cardiff , at UK married people tend to be healthier than single people. Those who live in marriage they have better health, live longer and feel happier, however, the relationship must be positive to obtain those benefits.

The study shows that married people have a lower risk than unmarried people of dying prematurely or of suffering heart diseases Y cerebrovascular .

Women have a better mental health , while men have better physical benefits. This is due to the positive influence that your partner exerts on them; On the other hand, women achieve a better emotional balance and psychic thanks to the loving bond. There are three reasons that explain the differences between single and married.

1. When there is a commitment, people have a more prudent behavior. Married people tend to take fewer risks. Drink less, drive at moderate speed, etc.

2. There is a stronger social relationship with you partner and it becomes narrower. It is your intimate source of support. On the contrary, singles lack this support and run the risk of isolating themselves and sufferingdepression .

3. Married people take more care of their Health , being in partner It influences to maintain healthier habits. There is always someone who reminds you not to smoke, drink or do exercise .

Having the love and unconditional support of another person who cares about your well-being, makes you take care of yourself and take care of the relationship, which translates into a better health .

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Video Medicine: Skills for Healthy Romantic Relationships | Joanne Davila | TEDxSBU (April 2024).