Social networks take sex faster

Four out of every 5 women and 3 out of 5 men say that texting by phone, use Facebook or other tools of thesocial networks causes young couples to have faster sex, according to the study published by the magazine Shape and Men's Fitness.

Only 38% of women report that they had sexual intercourse faster as a result of the digital privacy , according to a survey made 1,200 volunteers and volunteers who participated.

Some interesting facts that the article publishes are:


  • 80% of women and 58% of men say that social media tools carry them more Quick to bed.


  • Between couples, sending text messages is chosen as the number 1 way to stay in Contact.


  • Before they get to know each other, 70% of women and 63% of men use Google or other web tools to find apotential partner.


  • 65% of the participants reported being invited at some point to go on a date by means of a text message or Facebook.


  • In the middle of a relationship, 72% of women declare look for ex-girlfriends of their boyfriends through Facebook.


  • When the magic ends, leaving someone digitally is a new way to "break", 43% of women and 27% of men have reported receiving the lines at some point: "it's not you, it's Me ”.


  • 75% of the participants "check" regularly the life of their ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend through some social network.