So your body experiences betrayal ...

This could be the million dollar question. And the reasons can be as many as the infinite number of books, operas, telenovelas and movies that have been dedicated to betrayal.

Let's start with the definition that the Real academy of the Spanish language: It is a "lack that is committed by breaking the fidelity or loyalty that must be kept or have ", towards someone or something.

In accordance with Irene Orce, journalist and disseminator specialized in psychology issues , coaching and personal development, and blog author Metamorphosis , of the newspaper La Vanguardia (Spain), betrayal implies "a relationship of trust and deep affection.


"When a human being places his trust in another and he acts in a manner contrary to the expected, injuring him in some way, it can be considered that he has been betrayed."


So your body experiences betrayal ...

For Tania Rocha, academic and researcher at the Faculty of Psychology of the UNAM , "When we feel betrayed by someone, which implies that a commitment of loyalty has been broken, sometimes explicit and sometimes implicit, we feel a deep pain".

In fact, there is a very important emotional and psychological imbalance because the treason It is lived as a loss.


Types of betrayal

Orce says that the treason "It is a blow to our expectations, our certainties and our way of living and understanding life." It is a stigma that is difficult to overcome.

There are many types of betrayal, although perhaps the most common is infidelity which, according to a study by the School of Psychology and the Social Research Institute of the UNAM, is on the rise in Mexico (15 % of women and 25% of men have been unfaithful both physically and emotionally, although if it is only "feelings", the figure increases to 35% for them and 45% for them).

Disloyalty knows no borders and is capable of destroying whole or old families and endearing friendships that cease to be so because of the decisions and attitudes of one or the other because of their personal or economic interests. Or maybe because of the indiscretion generated by telling a secret.


Why is he betrayed?

According to Irene Orce, "in the vast majority of occasions in which a treason there is no intrinsic intention to hurt. There is ignorance, self-centeredness and clumsiness, without a doubt, but on rare occasions we find evil. "

Even, he adds, "if we dare to be truly honest with ourselves, we may find some responsibility in our decisions, actions and attitudes towards the other person".

In any case, says psychologist Tania Rocha, a very important step to heal a treason It is forgiveness.


"It is a very personal process that does not mean forgetting or minimizing damage, but implies, in principle, trying to set aside revenge, because this only harms more, as well as ruminant thoughts, which involve emotional and They also generate a feeling of helplessness. "

The person betrayed, says Rocha, must analyze the circumstances under which he lived. treason and must determine the reasons why this betrayal process took place and take responsibility for what happened, because both those who betray and those who are betrayed have a responsibility.

Video Medicine: What Is Betrayal Trauma? (April 2024).