Sleeping little damages your body

Do you usually wake up without any problem, but your mood is easily altered? A new study suggests that sleeping little can generate aggressive behavior with psychopathic tendencies.

The investigation of the Western University of Sydney, in Australia , details that a person who stays awake is at risk of developing antisocial behavior that is known as "Personality of Dark Triads ”.

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This type of personality is distinguished by narcissistic and selfish behaviors, as well as a psychopathic tendency.


Sleeping little damages your body

For his part, the doctor Carlos Solís Pérez, from the IMSS of Guerrero , detailing that continuous disclosure not only encourages aggressive behavior, but also generates anxiety and depression.

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In addition, the body presents headaches, fatigue, increased blood pressure, as well as a destruction of neurons.

Therefore, it is advisable to sleep between six and eight hours, so that the body rests properly; so try to relax and fall asleep at an appropriate time for you.

Video Medicine: What Happens To Your Body And Brain If You Don't Get Sleep (April 2024).