Sleeping can be more effective than analgesics

Most people keep in our homes some type of analgesic that helps us in the moments that appear some kind of physical pain. However, what happens when it becomes a constant state in our life? A study conducted in the United States suggests that the key lies in the benefits of sleeping plus.

The research, led by the specialist Timothy Roehrs , points out that people who sleep more than ten hours have a resistance to pain superior to those who took some type of analgesics.

This could be a future solution, 100% natural, for people suffering from chronic pain. A state that keeps them in constant discomfort, which often does not stop even with the intervention of a tranquilizer.

The study, carried out in Henry Ford Hospital , had as object of analysis 18 volunteers, who slept for four nights at different intervals.

Those who remained in their normal regimen, less than 10 o'clock, showed less resistance to the pain produced by placing their finger on a hot surface for a period of 25 seconds. A result totally different from those who extended their rest at twelve o'clock, who resented the pain.

The benefits of sleeping they are many points out Roehrs, but this opens a new field to the study of mechanisms to control pain in patients.

The research, published by the magazine Slepp , concludes that sleep calms down and makes us more resistant to this condition, but what happens when the discomfort is so great that it prevents us from obtaining the benefits of sleeping ?

There is still a long way to go in this field, but we may be closer to controlling this aspect of our lives that causes us so much suffering.

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Video Medicine: "Intro to the Treatment of Pain with Opioid Medications" by Dr. Charles Berde, for OPENPediatrics (April 2024).