Sleep well

All ages are important, each stage of life influences another and certain things must be taken into account habits and behaviors. The Things you must do at 20 to get amazing at 30.

You can also see: The thirty are the new twenty

Some people say that the 30 are the new 20. The lifestyle has changed in recent years, women are more independent and we make our own personal and professional decisions.

There are biological factors that are altered physically and psychologically. Small actions at twenty, make a difference at 30 ...


Sleep well

According to a study published by University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine , reveals that people who sleep better age less quickly than those who do not rest well.

"Experts recommend sleeping at least 8 hours a day."



It is essential to eat healthy at this stage, certain foods provide beauty benefits that are reflected, even over time.

The antioxidants They are a perfect ally to stay young. Eliminates toxins that the body does not need and is able to delay cellular oxidation.



The skin begins to age from 25 or 30 years of age (depends on each organism). That is why it is important to protect it with sunscreen from UV rays. The sun is aggressive to the skin and causes wrinkles.

"It is recommended to apply daily sunscreen before home".



Physical activity is essential to stay young. Exercising keeps hormones in balance and releases dopamine and endorphins, neurotransmitters that generate feelings of well-being and happiness.

"Experts recommend exercising at least 3 times a week for half an hour."

As you can see, they are small changes in habits that are not complicated to adopt; are Things you must do at your 20 to get excellent at your 30 and look and feel the best way.


Because you read this ...

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Video Medicine: Sleep Well and Heal - Constant Heavy Rain from my window - Helps Insomnia & Anxiety (April 2024).