Sleep apnea affects Mexicans

A recent study by the Faculty of Psychology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (FP-UNAM) states that this sleep disorder affects almost 30 million Mexican inhabitants and 98 percent of people with obesity.

Sleep apnea is a serious disorder that occurs when you stop breathing for more than 10 seconds while you are asleep. Each episode is followed by a sudden attempt to breathe and a change to a lighter stage of sleep, resulting in a fragmented and unrefreshing sleep.

The most common cause is partial or complete obstruction of the flow of air breathed due to relaxation of the muscles surrounding the throat and tongue. This alteration can be life threatening, as it is associated with an irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke, as well as the closing of the pharynx or throat during sleep, causing the person to stop breathing.


Apnea and snoring

The National Institute of Respiratory Diseases, indicates that sleep apnea is more common in men than in women, in smokers and in people with excess weight and high blood pressure, and with problems or abnormalities of the respiratory tract.

In the opinion of Dr. Matilde Valencia Flores, researcher at FP-UNAM, "people with apnea have to be treated by specialists to reduce cardiovascular risk and daytime sleepiness, which causes them to fall asleep very easily while working, studying , drive or talk on the phone. "

People with apnea should avoid alcohol, sleeping pills and sedatives. A very important fact: not all snorers suffer from apnea, but patients with sleep apnea tend to do so at night.


Treatments for sleep apnea

The faculties of Medicine and Psychology of the UNAM have specialized centers where the disorder is diagnosed. According to Dr. Valencia, it is essential to see a specialist who will determine the treatment.

Generally the person with apnea goes through a sleep clinic where, while sleeping, a diagnosis is made by polysomnography, a study in which electrical brain activity, electrocardiographic activity, respiratory parameters and movement are evaluated, after which It is possible to offer an adequate treatment.

According to the severity of each case, the procedure to be followed is determined, however it is recommended to lose weight, control high blood pressure and exercise so that the lungs work better.

Among other suggestions, experts advise sleeping on your side and not on your back, since this position relieves pressure on the airways. Of course there are physical devices that can be useful (such as dental or oral artifacts) and surgical procedures.

However, it is always important to remember that each case should be reviewed and diagnosed by a specialist.