Singles by decision

In Mexico 67% of people between 15 and 29 years old are without a partner, indicate the data of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) . However, it is difficult to define who lasts the longest single , whether men or women, as it depends a lot on the reasons.

There are several factors that cause people to lengthen their singleness , today there is a more individualistic society, with greater options to choose a Lifestyle that is not necessarily to marry and have children, says Roberto Bermúdez , sociologist of the UNAM .


Singles by decision

For example, women with a IQ higher  and that are better prepared prolong the marriage , due to the search for men with a brain more active, clear, sharp and sensitive, says a study of the University of Nottingham .

As for men, the space in their brain dedicated to sex is larger compared to that of women, says Louann Brizendine , of the University of San Francisco. So what they mainly seek is to have sex and not compromises formal

Although for years it has been said that women are more emotional and they can not bear to be alone, more and more they show that they are capable of living happily without needing a partner , developing personal and work areas.

On the other hand, men are more in need of someone to support them in their projects and even help them deal with emotional issues and home , so they do not usually last long singles .

Other factors such as having suffered a disillusion , experienced an emotional break or lived an experience in an unstable home, make many people associate the love with pain and that they prefer to stay in singleness. You, who do you think lasts loner unmarried?