Simple keys

The December's holidays They are not a pretext to get out of a healthy lifestyle, although for many it could be synonymous with excess, you can enjoy and have fun without that means an extra kilos or diseases, as a reminder, during the rest of the year.

To enjoy the holiday season, as well as parties, typical food, toasts and other celebrations, you only need to take a little awareness of the effects they will have on your body and, above all, what you will need to return to your regular health state, surely that will will allow you to enjoy them without neglecting or exceeding you.


Simple keys

Because meetings are very frequent this season, the ideal is to moderate the consumption of snacks or canapés, because sometimes these can give you more calories than you imagine, as well as taking into account the recommendations that the nutriologist Carmen Haro, makes us in an interview with GetQoralHealth .

1. Find your balance. If you are going to a dinner, try to eat less during the day, or look for food options that are low in fat or that contain less calories .

2. Drink enough water. The recommendation of the experts is to consume around 2 liters of natural water during the day.

3. Do not skip meals , that way you will avoid overeating. Remember to take your food three times a day and consume a snack between meals. It includes abundant amounts of fruits and vegetables.

4. Enjoy your food . Sit and eat without hurry. Chewing each bite several times facilitates digestion and helps you feel satisfied .

5. Moderate your consumption of fat, sugar and salt. Do not add extra salt to food, choose options with less grease and decreases the amount of sugar of your drinks.

6. Stay active . Do not forget to include some physical activity in the daily routine, such as walking, running, cycling, swimming or whatever suits your possibilities at least 30 minutes a day.

7. Moderates the consumption of alcoholic beverages . Do not overdo the consumption of alcoholic drinks . Select those that are accompanied with mineral water or diet soda.

So you can enjoy them without remorse, you can moderate consumption of fried foods or high fat foods during dinners, mainly, choose those dishes that have vegetables or fruits as part of their ingredients; In addition, try after your meals to walk for a few minutes in the company of family and friends.