Signs that announce the end ...

"Everything has an end", a phrase that contradicts one of the most deeply rooted concepts in society: the eternal love. However, it is normal that many of the relationships you have throughout your life end, but, How can I know that I no longer love someone?


"To stop loving someone is a process that includes several factors: lack of communication, of common interests, not knowing how to negotiate, excessive control and unhealthy jealousy. Until it reaches a point where the negative factors weigh more than the positive, and that's when the fracture starts relationship ", He says so in interview for GetQoralHealth, psychologist Roxana Peréz Teran.


Signs that announce the end ...

If you still do not realize, the specialist Roxana Pérez gives you some tips to know that You do not love that person anymore.

1. When you perform activities or events happen that are important to you and he no longer needs you. Before you expected with cravings to be able to share or talk about those things.

2. You no longer share your plans or fears with him. You realize that there are many things that have happened lately that you have not even mentioned.

3. You see yourself immersed in a routine . Everyday life has taken over your relationship, they no longer do things that get excited or enjoy together.

4. You feel drowned within the relationship. Asphyxiated and regularly you find yourself fantasizing about what your life being single

5. There is no future. Your partner no longer enters into your long-term plans.

6. Do not worry about pleasing him or having special details for him. It does not matter if he sees you without fixing you, in fact, you've been careless a lot lately.

7. It's hard for you to remember when it was the last time you enjoyed being alone . Without realizing it you avoid being alone with him.

According to the anthropologist Helen Fisher, "We love because, millions of years ago, our ancestors needed this cerebral flow This impulse the courtship, feelings and reproduction ".

However, the affection is over, and therefore it is essential to know that he has stopped loving that person. Beware!