Should a woman drink less than a man?

Around the consumption of alcoholic beverages there are many myths, so we present some of the most recurrent, in order to have greater awareness about the culture of prevention:


Should a woman drink less than a man?

Yes, women have less height, weight, alcoholic dehydrogenase, blood and water in the body, this makes the blood alcohol get there faster brain . Therefore, feel drunk faster than a man.

The ideal is that a woman does not drink more than two standard drinks per occasion, while for a man it is recommended no more than three, if you drink in this way you will not lose the style.

Remember that a standard drink has several equivalences according to the alcoholic beverage: a tequila in a horse that is equivalent to 40ml., It was served to the third part of a glass equal to 127ml. and a beer in a 340ml jar.


How should I take to not get drunk?

If you are a woman, the ideal is to drink a standard drink for an hour and a half, and if you are a man, do it by the hour, interspersing them with drinks without alcohol and food.

This is the time that the liver you need to process the alcohol and that your body stabilizes so as not to feel drunk , so do not drink quickly and no more than three drinks per day.

Remember, if you go out with your friends to to drink , it is important to plan your return home. You should not drive if you took, nor allow your friends to do it. Better set aside money to go by taxi or to go for you.

You must take into account these tips if you want to have a nice time, away from the risks that come with abusing drinks with alcohol, learn to know yourself and set your own limits. Respect those who do not drink and make yourself respected if you do not want to drink. Consume moderately. It's not joke, do not abuse alcohol!

If you want to know more visit "You decide how much you take" // //

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