Sexually transmitted germs

The sexually transmitted diseases (ETS ) at man They have the same causes as in women, with the only difference being the symptoms that mark their masculine anatomy. Prevention is easy and avoids pathologies that can cost life.

It is important to remember that the sexually transmitted diseases or infections (STIs) are those that are spread through unprotected intimate relationships.

The incidence and distribution of ETS it depends a lot on the composition of the population groups; although it highlights that formed by young people with concrete behavior patterns such as promiscuity , prostitution , dependence to drug , Not be circumcised and, above all, disinformation; indirect factors that favor the extension of ETS.

In men, there are usually some signs and symptoms in genitals external due to germs , especially in the glans , foreskin Y urethra , although there may also be oral or rectal symptoms, especially among the population homosexual .

The appearance of ulcers and excrescences of variable appearance and shape, vesicles and reddened areas, as well as the presence of urethral discharge they could be the most frequent primary signs.

The stinging When urinating, the itching and painful discomfort in the affected area represent the most common symptoms of ETS in the male, although there are some infections that affect other areas of the body and can be very serious or deadly.


Before the ETS , whether in men or women, the best behavior is prevention. Methods contraceptives barrier, condoms , must always be used in those sexual intercourse sporadic, as well as couples promiscuous .

In case of contagion , the patient's habit of life and the number of couples , each one of them should be investigated if possible.

The treatment must be set to avoid the "ping-pong" effect; that is, one member of the couple is cured and another is not, so the second one returns to spread to the first.

Video Medicine: Mayo Clinic Minute: Let's Talk About STDs (April 2024).