Sexual headache detonates erectile dysfunction

Normally sex therapists assure that a good sex session eliminates even the migraine more intense, thanks to the release of endorphins ; however, many people suffer headache benign sexual, which is recorded during sexual intercourse and often affects the intimate life.

According to information published by Huffpost Voices , the also called headache coital, which affects more men than women, it is a headache intense that is recorded before, during or after the orgasm , which can detonate some sexual dysfunction or the rejection of intimate contact.

So that you know a little more about the headache , in an interview for GetQoralHealth , the neurologist Alejandro Gutiérrez explains what it is, its causes and characteristics:

On the other hand, Teófila Vicente , member of the Spanish Association of Patients with Headache (AEPAC), stressed that people with this condition, in many cases have pictures of anxiety , depression , sadness and anguish. Among the causes of headache sexual are:

  1. Health problems
  2. Feelings of guilt
  3. A double life
  4. Effort to fulfill a sexual obligation

To prevent headache coital is recommended to visit your doctor to rule out any disease , to practice exercise improve your cardiovascular system, bring a diet balanced low fat, maintain a weight healthy and control the consumption of alcohol and tobacco.

The intimate contact with the couple must be a moment of pleasure and union, if this is not the case, you must analyze the situations that arise in your life so that you can make the necessary changes; In addition, visit a specialist, who will help you overcome the headache and avoid sexual dysfunction . And you, Have you experienced any headache after sex?

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