Self-confidence and empathy improve sexual relationships

The empathy is the ability to be able to identify mentally and affectively with the mood of another person, without losing perspective of your own framework of reality, is also known as Interpersonal intelligence .

Women and men with interpersonal intelligence enjoy a sex life more fully. This was the result of a new study conducted at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School, in Baltimore, United States. We included 3 thousand 200 people (men and women) between 18 and 26 years old with a relationship of more than three months. The sexual satisfaction it was measured from several parameters: regularity of orgasms and the pleasure of receiving against that of giving.

Within the analysis it was found that while men only need to develop their empathy For a good relationship, women require self esteem , self-confidence Y empathy to get a satisfactory sexual relationship. This is probably due to the sexual stereotypes that society imposes on them.

According to the authors, empathy is required in sexual intercourse because it increases the motivation to give pleasure and receive it Can a psychological health improve your sex life ?

Video Medicine: HOW TO CONTROL YOUR MIND & EMOTIONS | Motivational Video | Dr Vivek Bindra (April 2024).