See SpongeBob generates attention deficit

The Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) of the United States called for children under 2 not see cartoons as sponge Bob; affirms that it provokes attention deficit .

According to a study published in the journal Pediatrics, the AAP warns that some programs can generate various learning problems in infants.

The investigation, entitledThe immediate impact of different types of television on the executive function of young children, and coordinated by Angeline Lillard from the University of Virginia, was conducted among 60 children randomly selected, under four years of age and divided into three groups.

The objective of the test was to analyze the care of children under 4 years of age in the resolution of problems, self-regulation and other executive function abilities after they saw one of the two nine-minute cartoons.

Children who saw sponge Bob they obtained an average of 12 points less than the other two groups, while in another test, which measured the mastery of their faculties and the impulsiveness after seeing the cartoon, they showed an accelerated behavior.

The authors of the study admitted that they can not specify which characteristics of the television series created the effects, although they speculate that the combination of fantastic events and rapid rhythm are responsible, so they suggest to parents that their children do not see this type of cartoons:

"We are talking about an average of 22 minutes of action, so that a smaller child before a complete program can receive more damage." Exposure to the media is a matter of public health, "said Lillard.