Sedentary detonates back pain

After the common cold , back pain is the main cause of absenteeism , low productivity and affect the quality of life of people.

It is a condition so frequent that 8 out of 10 people have suffered it, who still have not, will experience it at some point in their lives, "says César González Vargas, Orthopedic Traumatologist.

"While it is true that it is a condition considered normal, because many people suffer from it, this does not mean that it should be taken lightly and not go to a specialist, because the discomfort may disappear in a short time, emphasizes the specialist.

The sedentary lifestyle is the main cause of back pain, but there are other factors that cause it: The bad postures , overweight, smoking and make very demanding physical efforts when we are not used to them.

Therefore, and given that all people are exposed to suffer it, it is advisable to pay close attention to the following signs to know when it is time to visit the doctor:

1. If the pain appears frequently, for no apparent reason, for a period of three months.
2. The discomfort is felt even when at rest (standing or sitting).
3. It is especially acute when adopting a recumbent position, without making any effort and without any relationship of activities that may have caused them.
4. When it is too intense.

If these signs are identified, you must ensure that you are in the hands of a qualified orthopedist , so avoid a bad experience in the treatment of injury , and even, a surgical intervention not necessary.

It is important to mention that most people with back pain do not need surgery, they only reach it when other treatments have failed. Consult your specialist."Know yourself, sculpt your character." For more information visit or ewrite us to b 

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