Scorpion venom could reverse cancer

The poison of scorpion colorado or blue scorpion is less deadly than it sounds, and with your help you could win a battle Cancer , but what are the benefits of blue scorpion venom in cancer treatment?

Discovered more than a decade ago and patented a couple of years ago, Cuban researchers took advantage of the potion emanated from Rhopalurus junceus -species exclusive to the island- to develop a homeopathic medicine that mitigates the pains associated with this evil.

Voice of experts

In an interview with GetQoralHealth, Mariela Guevara García, specialist in clinical research of the Caribbean company Labiofam , points out that its use does not replace other traditional treatments.


It is not a miracle or pirate product. It is an auxiliary in the oncological treatment ".

Unlike the Asian scorpion extractions, thispoison does not damage normal cells and associated with the usual chemotherapy stimulates the death of the tumor cell .

From Cuba to Mexico

After announcing the arrival in Mexico of Vidatox 30CH , Guevara clarifies that it can be provided regardless of the stage in which you are but only under medical prescription.

These are drops applied under the tongue or diluted. Its administration can be 2 to 6 times a day or, if there is a lot of pain, every 10 minutes.

An investigation carried out during a year and a half by the Mexican company MedLab, to verify the effectiveness of the medicine, showed that around 92% of patients they said feel Less pain after the treatment.

Video Medicine: Scorpion Venom may Cure Heart Disease (April 2024).