Rotavirus threatens children's health

The infection by rotavirus it's a problem public health. This disease causes severe diarrhea in children. Although it occurs throughout the year, it occurs more frequently in winter and in children under 24 months of age, according to a study by the Department of Microbiology and Parasitology of the Faculty of Medicine of the UNAM.

Fortunately, the box universal vaccination of Mexico is made up of 15 biologicals, including the vaccine against rotavirus and the pneumococcus , which is applied permanently and free throughout the country.

According to the National Center for Childhood and Adolescent Health of the Health Secretary , the introduction of the rotavirus vaccine to the universal vaccination scheme made it possible to reduce the number of deaths by 35% diarrhea in children one year old, going from 1,400 to 800 annual deaths for this cause.

According to the Division of Evaluation and Logistical Support of the Coordination of Integrated Health Programs of the IMSS, rotavirus diarrhea can produce severe dehydration which, if not attended to in time, can cause death. Therefore, it is necessary to vaccinate children to prevent this clinical picture from two months of age and apply a reinforcement to meet four to protect them from a possible contagion .

The parent alert occurs when the child cry without tears , has sunken eyes, dry mouth and tongue, skin loses density and is flaccid. Another symptom of this disease, in children up to one year old, is that the upper part of the head is sunken, which is commonly known as "mollera". Vomiting is another important and very frequent sign.

If your child has symptoms, however minimal, go to your doctor to determine if it is rotavirus; although the ideal thing is that, to the children, they never lack the respective vaccines.