Remedy 1

In cold weather, it is common to get more sick, so it is important that you arm yourself with your "protective shield" and apply yourself fully with these home remedies what will raise your defenses effectively. Take note.


Remedy 1

Mix the juice of a carrot with the juice of two oranges and blend.


Remedy 2

In the blender, empty five guavas, the juice of three lemons, two oranges and a grapefruit, half an onion, a cup of water, and liquefy.


Remedy 3

Blend an onion, a clove of garlic and the juice of two oranges.


Remedy 4

Pour in the blender the juice of three oranges, two peeled kiwis, a spoonful of pollen and liquefy.


Remedy 5

Pour the juice of 3 tangerines, juice of two lemons, two cloves of garlic, a piece of ginger, a spoonful of honey and liquefy.

Regardless of the remedy you choose, the trick is to take it on an empty stomach for 15 days and rest for a month. Start today and strengthen your immune system!


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Video Medicine: Remedy ENGLISH SPEAKING COURSE -1 l Basic 42 Pronouns (April 2024).