Rejuvenating injection!

As we age our skin it becomes dry and loses elasticity, due to the reduction in the natural production of hyaluronic acid , which favors the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles , but how can we maintain the youth for more time?

According to the University of Michigan , the hyaluronic acid is an important component of the connective tissue that fills the spaces between the cells of the skin and other tissues. Although the human body creates it by itself, it can also be created synthetically.


Rejuvenating injection!

At a press conference, the doctor Jorge Bachtold points out that if you want to maintain a smooth, smooth and soft skin you should only have a good facial cleansing routine and complement it with the use of products that contain hyaluronic acid as cosmetics or injections as the call Yvoire .

This type of injections containing a gel rich in hyaluronic acid is applied directly to the expression lines , to give moisture, volume and elasticity to the skin ".

Another advantage of this injection is that its application is very fast, patients can perform their daily activities immediately.

Although its use is very safe, it is important that it be applied by a surgeon to control the amount of molecules that must be injected.

The filling effect lasts approximately between 12 and 18 months, since the body metabolizes hyaluronic acid and turns it into water and carbon dioxide; however, in active people, the application interval is shorter because they metabolize the product faster.

In addition to using these types of products it is important that you hydrate properly and eat foods rich in antioxidants to look young skin and free of imperfections. Do you dare to try it?

Video Medicine: Facial Rejuvenation with PRP Injection & PPP with Dermapen. Dr. Steven Weiner, Destin, Florida (April 2024).