Regarding food, we suggest:

The blood circulation is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients to all the cells of the body, as well as dragging the waste compounds from our cells to be able to eliminate them.

The heart is the muscle that pumps blood through the circulatory system, when blood circulation is compromised, our health is also affected.

Diseases such as diabetes, arthritis and obesity can affect it; Similarly, habits and lifestyles such as smoking, having a poor diet or doing little exercise, may favor the appearance of these problems.

Some symptoms of poor blood circulation are: cold hands and feet, muscle cramps, numbness, clots, varicose veins, dizziness, sores that take time to heal, numbness, cardiovascular problems, among others.

Many of these discomforts can be countered by following a healthier lifestyle. In general it is recommended to exercise at least 30 minutes a day and move at least every hour, so if you usually sit in the office all day, stop for a short walk will help you have better circulation.


Regarding food, we suggest:

1. Foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol. They contribute to the formation of atheromas (blockages) that reduce the passage of blood in the arteries.

2. Fruits, vegetables and nuts . They provide vitamins and minerals, many of them with antioxidant action that will help you to have healthier arteries.

3. Limit the consumption of salt, alcohol and caffeine . They promote fluid retention, causing blood volume to decrease and blood flow through the arteries and veins to be more difficult.

4. Foods with omega-3, like salmon or tuna; This type of fat helps to have a better blood flow.

5. Garlic Its properties prevent clots from forming, thus anticipating serious circulatory problems.

Similarly, it has been seen that quitting smoking greatly enhances circulation. Other practices that usually work are massages and baths of hot and cold water to activate it.

Remember that always before any more serious problem, it is important to go with a specialist, in this case an angiologist could help you determine the way in which you can improve your blood circulation.