Reduces the discomfort of reflux

People with overweight Y obesity present recurrent episodes of gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), due to the increase in the number of relaxation of the hiatus (hole) that connects to esophagus with the stomach , which causes the food to return.

According to doctors, the obesity inhibits acetylcholine (neurotransmitter) that is responsible for opening the hiatus ; in the absence of closure of the sphincter , the gastric emptying becomes slow and allows the fermentation of the food.

Currently, it is expected that around 15% of the Mexican population suffers Reflux . The figures of the National Survey of Health and Nutrition note that 71.9% of women over 20 years of age, and 66.7% of men, have combined prevalences of overweight or obesity , which is why Mexico ranks second in the world, with an index of body mass above normal.

GERD affects children and adults, and the main symptoms are acidity and the heart . If this is not diagnosed correctly it could generate very serious complications such as stenosis , ulcers , bleeding and in some cases, Barrett's esophagus , which could become Cancer .


Reduces the discomfort of reflux

Doctors recommend that patients change their lifestyle, engage in physical activity and modify their intake of calories . When the condition is very advanced, medications are prescribed to reduce symptoms such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), which control the production of stomach acid.

In the following video of CNN of Chile , some specialists explain the causes of the condition, as well as the appropriate treatments to avoid it.

If you present any of the symptoms go to your doctor to diagnose and tell you the appropriate treatment. Avoid self-medication.

Video Medicine: How To Stop Acid Reflux | How To Treat Acid Reflux (2018) (April 2024).