Reduce your meat consumption with 5 foods

The government of the United Kingdom established that the recommended consumption of red meat should be 70 grams per day, since its excess is related to the development of cardiovascular diseases; however, it is one of the most widely purchased protein foods in the world.

Proteins are essential for the development of tissue and for the best functioning of cells. The most frequent way to obtain them is through red meat, but there are other options of foods with protein that offers its benefits without the risk of toxins that damage your body.

Thus GetQoralHealth presents you some foods with proteins:

1. Vegetables and vegetables. It is recommended between 2 and 4 servings a week, also have high biological value proteins, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron) and fiber.

According to a study by the Experimental Station Zaidín (EEZ), attached to the Superior Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC) , a group of proteins present in legumes are useful for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, as well as for the prevention against colon cancer.

2. Egg. It has Vitamin A and B, minerals such as iron and sulfur, but what makes it ideal is that it is high in proteins, mainly albumin; which is present in the clear.

3. Fish. According to Spanish Heart Foundation, This is a food with as many proteins as meat, in addition to being rich in vitamin, omega 3 and beneficial fatty acids for cardiovascular health

4. Soy. 35% to 40% of its content is protein, it regularly substitutes the use of meat or dairy products in the vegetative diet. In addition, it is low in fat, ideal to maintain weight.

5. Milk. It contains 88% water, provides the body with 3.3% proteins of high nutritional value, the main one being casein and 3% saturated fats. In addition, it is rich in vitamins A, B and C, as well as iron.

Trying to maintain a balanced diet is a fundamental part of your health. Remember, all foods are allowed and are necessary for the body, as long as there is no excess.

Video Medicine: The Hidden Benefits of Eating Less Meat | Documentary (April 2024).