Quitting smoking helps avoid it!

According to the National Health and Nutrition Survey 2012 , smoking causes more than 60 thousand deaths per year. In addition, other consequences of smoking include the risk of chronic diseases and hearing loss.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, Gonzalo Corvera Behar, director of the Mexican Institute of Otology and Neurotology (IMON) , notes that all people lose their hearing over the years; However, this problem is accelerated by other factors such as smoking.

The specialist details that the combination of environmental noise and smoking increase the risk of hearing loss, because the inner ear is damaged.

"Nicotine produces a vasoconstriction, that is, the arteries that carry blood to the inner ear close and that damages the cells of this organ," explains Gonzalo Corvera.


Quitting smoking helps avoid it!

Gonzalo Corvera Behar explains that the loss of hearing is progressive, therefore people must undergo different treatments to control it properly.

However, ideally, people should stop smoking and expose themselves to tobacco smoke to reduce the damage, since passive smokers who breathe this product have a risk of deafness. And you, what do you choose: to take care of your hearing health or to continue smoking?

Video Medicine: Five Things That Help Smokers Quit : Psychology & Mental Health (April 2024).