Purify your soul and mind with meditation

The meditation helps calm the mind and it guides the sense of the conscience, by what favors the positive emotions or thoughts, and expands the perspective of the people.

Sometimes, the mental state of the individuals is divided, which affects the concentration and generates negative emotions; This limits the points of view and it is not possible to perceive things as they really are.

For that reason it is important that you learn to experience the quietest state of your awareness , for 15 or 20 minutes in the morning and at night. This will help you to reflect on your way of acting and, above all, to think about the purposes and goals to be fulfilled each day.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Dharmacharini Abhagita, from the Buddhist Center Mexico , explains how positive thoughts are generated:

Learn to meditate!

Here are some tips for you to learn to meditate:

  1. Try to do it in the mornings and in the evening, because the environmental temperature and energy help achieve a state of serenity and contemplation, which is required for meditation.
  2. Create a routine: Choose a special place, which seems pleasant (with flowers, candles, incense), as well as a specific time, where you can be calm and enjoy this discipline to the fullest.
  3. It is important that when you start thinking about forgetting the past, the present and the future, so that you can concentrate.
  4. Try to sit in a comfortable position, facing north or east, for the energy of these directions to favor you.
  5. The breathing is an important part of meditation . This should be rhythmic, for example: inhale, hold the air and exhale.

Remember that a positive thought will generate inner peace, coherence, intelligence, creativity, harmony and will help you forgive the situations that seemed wrong to you.

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Video Medicine: Detoxify your mind and soul,ध्यान, cleanse your mind body and soul, meditation techniques in hindi, (April 2024).