Prunes vs osteoporosis

Normally, during the late stages of the adolescence the bone mass of which will have all the life. While, during the stage of young adult , the bone it is remodeled but, in general, its dough .

Within the normal processes of age, there is the appearance of osteoporosis , which is defined as a reduction of the bone mass , with alteration of its microstructure and that leads to an increase in the risk of fracture .

The bone mass at a given moment, it depends on the amount of bone that has formed and the speed of loss of this one. The menopause is very important in the genesis of theosteoporosis because in the next 10 years, between 10 and 20% of the skeletal mass is lost.

In this sense, the properties of prunes, help improve health that is in the women postmenopausal and in general for people of all ages, according to research from Florida State University, which has found this simple and proactive solution that helps prevent fractures and the osteoporosis .

These researchers conducted a study in a group of women of average age, during a period of 12 months, in the gave as part of their diet daily, on the one hand, to a group, prunes ; while to the other part of the group they offered apples.

Among their results they found that the group that consumed the prunes showed a Bone mineral density significantly higher in the ulna (one of the two long bones of the forearm) and in the spine , compared to the group that ate the dried apples.

This, according to the scientists, was partly due to the capacity of dried plums to suppress the rate of bone resorption or the deterioration of bone which, with age, tends to exceed the growth rate again bone .

Although it can be considered as a good preventive treatment against fractures Y bone wear , it is recommended to women moderate their consumption because in only 100 grams, they can have more than 200 calories . It should be remembered that the overweight Y obesity They are also factors of these injuries during adulthood.

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Video Medicine: Prunes for Osteoporosis (April 2024).