Protein of happiness?

We have always heard about recipes for happiness: a little bit of enthusiasm, more positive attitude, self-esteem, etc .; However, now a group of researchers has just discovered what is apparently the secret ingredient.

According to an investigation of the University of California (UCLA) For happiness, the release of a protein is required, particularly a peptide called hypocretin , which acts as a neurotransmitter.

In that sense, the study published in the journal Nature Communications, shows that the concentration of this peptide increases when we feel happy, while it decreases when we find ourselves sad and dejected.

Among the results of the tests carried out on volunteers, they found that hypocretin levels were highest when experiencing positive emotions, for example when watching television; as well as in social interactions and in situations that caused anger.

Jerome Siegel, co-author of the study , explains that apparently this protein is fundamental for happiness, or rather, for that chemical reaction; in addition, it reveals that in his absence, "we stopped looking for the sensation of pleasure, so that abnormalities in the activation of this system could contribute to various psychiatric disorders."

However, hypocretin is not only necessary for happiness, but also for an adequate state of vigil . In this regard point out that if administered directly in people, hypocretin could improve mood and alert levels of people.

Otherwise with what happened to those who take sleeping pills, because they contain antagonists of this peptide, which change the patterns of dream and negatively alter the mood of people treated for this problem. Therefore, hypocretin could be the secret ingredient of the true recipe for happiness.

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