Programs and campaigns!

According to an investigation of the College of Graduates in Physical Education and Sciences of Physical Activity and Sports of Madrid, headed by the doctor Fernando Martín, going up and down stairs is one of the exercises more complete, and complex physical, that can be done:

"Climbing stairs is a exercise very complete because it requires a high muscular participation with and without movement. At each step of the ladder a complex task is produced, with a high neuromuscular requirement ".


Programs and campaigns!

Teachers of the University of Geneva , in Switzerland, they organized an incentive program for the use of stairs in a local hospital. 77 people, who until then had had a lifestyle sedentary , they volunteered. After six months, the study revealed that the volunteers had improved their aerobic capacity by up to 12%.

Part of an advertising campaign of a car brand, which used music to make subway users Stockholm (Sweden) went up on foot to the street discarding the elevators.

In Andalusia, Spain, a program has been organized, Stairs is health , which is included in a project that encourages the 30 minutes of exercise a day (60 for children and young people up to 17 years old) that recommends World Health Organization .


More benefits!

Actually there are several health benefits of the use of stairs, notes the cardiologist Leandro Plaza , president of the Spanish Society of the Heart "The muscles, when they ask for more food, stimulate the heart to contract more strongly and quickly, so more blood reaches all the organs of the body, and these, being better irrigated, generally work better."

Another study, carried out in the United States, determined that this kind of small measures can be more effective against obesity to do a diet or an intensive program in the gym.

What is demonstrated in the study of University of Geneva , which revealed that the 77 volunteers who had participated in the investigation of blood oxygenation, at the same time had lost, at the end of the six months of the study, between 1.5% and 8.5% of body fat .

And if you definitely decided that this may be the, or one, activity that you are going to carry out daily, do not forget to take these three tips into account:

  1. First of all, check with your doctor if you have any physical condition that may worsen with physical exercise.
  2. Wear running or walking shoes that provide adequate support for the feet.
  3. Hydrate often or with adequate frequency.

The specialistMuñoz Bellerín the discourages it especially in case ofosteoarthritisarthritis and some inflammations of the muscles ormyopathies . Nor does it recommend not to use the stairs in case of heart disease. Beware!

Video Medicine: LEARN: Programs and Campaigns (April 2024).