Profile of a heart attack in women

Frequently the heart attacks in women they are silent, that is, they occur without chest pain. Therefore, females are more likely to die in their first heart attack That men. The characteristics of a heart attack or pre infarction in women they are: difficulty breathing, fatigue and even drowsiness. They may also feel pain in the arm, neck, jaw or back.

Heart attacks usually occur at 05:00 or just before waking up. At that time, the internal clock causes the blood to clot more easily and the blood pressure start to rise

Drugs for hypertension , cholesterol Y triglycerides high, they are better consumed at night, to be protected at this time.

Half of the patients with heart attack they present warning symptoms a few weeks before the incident. The appearance of the symptoms of a myocardial infarction They occur gradually, over the course of several minutes, and rarely occur instantaneously.

These infarcts symptoms are usually discovered later during subsequent electrocardiograms or at autopsy. Women and people with diabetes tend to experience heart attack symptoms markedly different from the symptoms of men. For more information visit

Video Medicine: Study on Link Between Heart Attacks in Women with Depression (April 2024).