
Without a doubt, it surprises us what some foods can do for our health, this is the one of some citrus fruits like mandarin, but, did you know that the tangerine peel Does it also benefit your health?

A study published by Punjab Agricultural University , Ludhiana, India, reveals that the tangerine peel may have the same, or more healing effects than the tangerine same

These are some health benefits:


  • Controls blood glucose levels
  • Avoid colds
  • Strengthens the immune system and prevents infections
  • Detoxifies the liver
  • Blood depurative




  • First you must wash the tangerine peel perfectly to remove contaminants
  • Next, you must add the peel to a bowl of boiling water
  • Let it boil for 15 minutes
  • Finally, you must strain the peel and serve the tangerine tea that will be ready to drink


TIP: You can chop into tangerine peel pieces and it will be easier to boil in the bowl. Also, some people add a piece of cinnamon to give it a better flavor.

Do not throw the peel of your tangerine ! It brings many benefits to your health. Better make it tea and keep enjoying its flavor.


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