Pregnancy reduces the chances of sclerosis

Women who have had at least one child are 134% less likely to have multiple sclerosis than those who have no children.

What do the experts say?

In fact, according to Marie D'hooghe , a researcher at the Department of Neurology of the National Multiple Sclerosis Center in Mesbroek, Belgium, women who have children, tend to have a benign type of MS, compared to those who have not yet experienced a Birth .

Research on multiple sclerosis It indicates that 85% of those who develop MS suffer a relapse, or some type of remission and more than 50% have a progressive state of the disease.

When this happens, the symptom they become more difficult to manage, as well as the periods of improvement when the symptoms disappear, are shorter. After some time, the EM process causes loss of vision or paralysis.

Results of the investigation

In the case of women who have not been mothers and have multiple sclerosis, they spend an average of thirteen to fifteen years before reaching the sixth level on the EDSS scale. On the other hand, those who already have children, it takes twenty-two or twenty-three years to reach that stage.

According to Patricia O'Looney, director of biomedical research at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, there are benefits for patients who have already had children; however, there is still no conclusive data.


Women are more at risk than men

The research says that women are more likely to have multiple sclerosis; however, these cases are less severe compared to the severity of the disease in men.

In the study conducted by Marie D'hooghe , three quarters of the respondents had children and reached the sixth level based on the EDSS or Disability Scale.


The Disability Scale (EDSS)

The EDSS is a classification system that many doctors use as a tool to determine the severity of symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis. For example, in the first level: the disease is less serious; the sixth level means that the patient needs a help device to move and at level ten, death is near.

Video Medicine: Multiple Sclerosis: Signs, Symptoms and Treatments (April 2024).