Potentialized properties

Nothing more incredible than being able to lose weight with the delicious taste of food. Include in your meals the benefits of red wine vinegar It is simple and will give them a special touch.

In accordance with Carol Johnston , associate director of the School of Nutrition and Health Promotion of the Arizona State University , all the vinegars they contain the compound acetic acid , which helps the body increase its ability to digest starch.


Better digestion of starch helps to get rid of calories , which in the long term helps to reduce weight, although it is a slow process ".

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Potentialized properties

For its part, a study of Perdue University , Indiana, sustains the slimming properties of grapes , main ingredient of red wine and its vinegar , when finding the substance piceatannol , a antioxidant that prevents the development of the fatty tissue of the body, also facilitating its elimination.


When there are constant levels of piceatannol in the blood, adipogenesis stops almost completely, preventing the pre-adipocytes from becoming adipocytes, which would prevent weight gain and make it easier to lose the one you already have, "he says. Kee-Hong Kim , author of the study.

So you can enjoy the benefits of red wine vinegar make it part of your diet , in our video the chef Many Muñoz of the program "Life and Home" of Cadena Tres, tells you how to use it to prepare delicious chicken skewers. You dare?