Potato yacon vs diabetes type 2

The regular consumption of yacon potato , a perennial plant of Andean origin, can help lower levels of blood sugar concentration and reduce glucose, especially in patients with type 2 diabetes, according to researchers from the University of France (UNIFRAN), according to the website minhavida.com.br

The yacon It has the internal aspect of an apple, and it is eaten raw to take advantage of its beneficial properties and its natural sweet flavor. Its importance lies in the chemical compounds present in its roots and leaves, which give it a medicinal and nutritional use.

Its root is edible and has a high content of fibers and water, between 83 and 90%, which is why it is highly recommended to include it in Diets to lose weight , according to innatia.com

In this sense, it contains fewer calories compared to other tubers: 100 g. It contains approximately 30 calories, while the regular potato has 52 calories in the same portion.

The carbohydrates present in the yacon they represent 90% of their dry weight, of which, between 50 and 70% correspond to fructooligosaccharides (FOS), which, unlike common sugars, are resistant to digestion , so it allows to regulate the insulin peaks due to the type these hydrates (starch).

Also, thanks to recomposing the intestinal flora for better decomposition of fats , indirectly helps in the absorption of cholesterol, preventing its accumulation in the blood and control of its levels.

The yacon It is very juicy, it is eaten raw and has a pleasant sweet taste, with a slight watermelon flavor. Its leaves are used to prepare tea because it is believed to help control the high blood pressure , while, thanks to its high content of potassium and proteins, helps fight diseases and strengthen defenses.

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