Photos: 8 asanas that increase your self-esteem

In a world where you are constantly being told to be perfect, it is easy for your perception of yourself to be upset by trying to please others. To practice yoga It helps you to remember that you must be good for yourself before anyone else, and that you increase your self love .  


The yoga it allows you to begin to stop self-criticism and stop negative thoughts about you, as they arise. Also like to connect with that inner spark to get more love, tranquility and peace ", says Vyda Bielkus , yogi instructor and founder of the centerHealth Yoga Life .

On the other hand, a study headed by the Dumlupinar University reveals that people who perform hatha yoga they have higher levels of self-esteem, a better quality of life and even feel less fatigue, than their counterparts who do not perform any physical activity

Video Medicine: 15 Yoga Poses That'll Make Your Stomach Flat (April 2024).